A.P. Flour – 3 C.
Salt- 1/4 tsp.
Baking Powder- 1 tsp
Whole Butter- 4 oz, chopped
Orange Juice- 2 tblsp
Cold Water- 1/2 C.
Mix flour and baking powder in food processor. -Add butter pieces, juice, and water -Add water to adjust if too dry -Form ball and need lightly -Roll Thinly and cut into rounds -Use empanada crimper to seal in filling.
Potatos- 6 ea- peeled, steamed/boiled, mashed
Butter and cream mixture – 1/3 butter to 2 cups cream
Carr Valley Garlic Cheddar – 1.5 C grated
Garlic powder – 1.5 tsp
Fresh herbs – 2 tblsp minced
Once tender mash the potatoes with the cream and butter – combine with all ingredients. – Fill dough with mixture.