Local News

Raise proposal for mayor increases



City council agreed on new salary, vote to come

What was a plan for a five-percent increase for the mayor’s position in La Crosse has now turned into a 10-percent increase. 

Tuesday, a city council committee agrees to increase the next mayor’s salary from the current $77,000 to $85,000.

Proponents of the change, like city council member Doug Happel, say the new salary would better reflect the importance of the position to the city and will also help to attract better candidates to run for office.

The last raise for the mayor was 2009, and the proposed increase would go into effect in 2017, after the next election. Current mayor, Tim Kabat, says he’s not in favor of increasing the pay for the position.

The full council will vote on the new salary level next month, which was originally proposed as $80,000 annually.

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