Local News
Controversial director leaving Houston County

Scanlan taking technical job
The zoning director who was in the middle of the frac sand controversy in Houston County (Minn.) has landed a new job.
Bob Scanlan has given notice to the Houston County Board that he’s taking a technical job with the Root River Soil and Water Conservation District.
Just over a year ago, Scanlan was suspended three days and given mandatory ethics training as a result of an internal investigation over the vote to continue the frac sand moratorium in the county. Residents there, against the moratorium, filed complaints that Scanlan, who, himself, owns a mine, retaliated against them.
Scanlan claims the controversy over frac sand mining in the county did not lead him to seek this job. He worked 15 years for the county and predicts the local fight over frac sand will go on for some time after he leaves the zoning office.