Local News
Redistricting reform bill has slim chance
Local lawmakers support legislation
While redistricting reform in Wisconsin has received more attention in the past year or so, even supporters don’t like its chances in Madison.
Proposed legislation would make the state’s process more like that of Iowa, which has had a non-partisan legislative redistricting process in place for decades. It’s the same bill introduced in previous legislation sessions in Madison.
The difference this time around is that there are even fewer democrats in the legislature to support it and just one republican has said he’ll back the change.
Local lawmakers – Jennifer Shilling, Kathleen Vinehout, Jill Billings, Steve Doyle and Chris Danou – say they support the move to a non-partisan district-drawing process. Westby republican Lee Nerison is still officially listed as on the fence.
We’re told republican leadership in Madison is extremely unlikely to even schedule a public hearing on the bill.