Local News
Oktoberfest parade marshals named
Terpstra will lead Torchlight, Moore to lead Maple Leaf
With one week to go before Oktoberfest begins in La Crosse, the two parade marshals are getting ready to perform their duties.
On opening night, October 1, Mark Terpstra will lead the Torchlight Parade on the north side. Terpstra has been part of the musical duo ‘Crazy George and Terp’ at Oktoberfest for many years, so he didn’t expect to have a different assignment this fall.
The Maple Leaf parade on the Saturday of the fest will be led by Chuck Moore, the son of both 1997 Festmaster Duane Moore and 1992 Mrs. Oktoberfest Jan Moore.
Having been a fest volunteer for many years, Chuck knows what’s expected of the marshal. He is the president of his family’s business, Ad Aids and is an engineer with the BNSF railroad.