Local News
Road meetings produce interstate plan to downtown
Highway could go through French Island
An idea that seemed a little unorthodox at first now appears to be gaining acceptance in the conversation over road building in La Crosse.
The idea: A plan to connect the Interstate to downtown La Crosse via an existing road on French Island and a bridge over the Black River.
It’s turning into a very palatable alternative for those looking to spend promised road money in La Crosse. But it’s more than that, says the plan’s architect, local activist Jerome Gundersen, it just makes sense.
The plan funnels traffic from the interstate through the downtown, but does so using existing roadways and land that is mostly already publically owned.
Additionally, says Gundersen, his plan will mean more access for the old Mobil Oil site, an area the city is desperately wanting to develop.
Gundersen’s plan is among those getting reviewed at a couple of public informational meetings the DOT is conducting this week.