Local News
Logan students build harvest tables for community gardens
Money for tables came from
student and community donations
Students in the Logan High School technology and engineering department have donated their time and technical skills back to give back to the community.
Staff at the Kane Street Community Garden needed outdoor vegetable cleaning stations built to clean the fall harvest, and Logan students came through.
The students designed and built two 4-by-8-foot stations, made of treated 2-by-6s and 4-by-4s with a screen running across the top to allow water and dirt to fall through.
Money for the project came from student and community donations. The outdoor vegetable cleaning stations were given to Todd Hoffman, Kane Street Community Garden coordinator, this morning at Logan High.
The first program initiated by The Hunger Task Force, the Kane Street Community Garden was established in 1998 and produced about 500 pounds of vegetables. Since then, the garden has grown in size to nearly two city blocks and produces, on average, 25,000-30,000 pounds of organic vegetables a year.