As I See It

Live trees ok at Wisconisn churches



The spirit of Christmas is alive and well at the Wisconsin state capitol. A handful of lawmaker are trying to keep any grinches from preventing live Christmas trees from being displayed in Wisconsin churches. Legislators, including Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, are pedaling a bill that would prohibit bans of live Christmas trees in churches. It seems that some years ago, Wisconsin adopted the National Fire Protection Association’s fire code, which prohibits combustible vegatation, such as a Christmas tree, in places of assembly. However, despite this guideline, local fire chiefs may allow live trees in churches, if there is an adequate water supply, safe lighting, and a proper distance is kept from heat sources. So, basically, under current rules, unless churches are being reckless, they can have a live Christmas tree, making any new legislation unnecessary. But Speaker Vos says, “The last thing we need is for bureaucrats to play the Grinch in every church in Wisconsin this Christmas.” But it seems it is Vos who is being the grinch, making an issue of something that isn’t really an issue. He is wasting his time, and that of his fellow lawmakers, by forcing a debate on such a trivial issue. There must be more important things to debate in Madison, even during the holiday season.

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