Local News
Today, La Crosse will charge those who haven’t shoveled sidewalks
Costs $2.50 a foot,
plus $50 admin fee
Just warnings so far this week for those sidewalks not cleared after the big snow in La Crosse.
But today it’s for real. Crews will be out to clear all the walks that haven’t been done and the city will charge you for it. The size of the snowfall makes the process easy, says assistant city engineer, Bernard Lenz.
“You can obviously tell if there’s 10 inches of snow on the sidewalk that they haven’t cleared,” Lenz said. “It’s very difficult to do this when there’s a bunch of small [snow] events, because it’s hard to tell as they get trampled down whether it’s a new event or old event.”
Typically, says Lenz, half the walks that the city contractor clears and charges for are those in front of foreclosed, for sale or even abandoned properties.
If crews clear your walks, expect a bill of $2.50 per foot plus a $50 administration fee. You might get a ticket as well, though that rarely happens.
Amy johnson
December 31, 2015 at 1:52 pm
What if there isn’t a sidewalk in front of your house a,d haven’t plowed your driveway