Local News

“Wimpification of police” says Milwaukee city council member on settlement of illegal searches



City settled for millions after
illegal searches of 74 black men

MILWAUKEE – The Milwaukee city council has approved a proposed $5 million settlement with dozens of African-American men who alleged illegal strip searches by Milwaukee police.

City councilman Mark Borkowski and Russell Stamper II voted against settling and paying.

Borkowski says the settlement shows the “wimpification of police.”

Under the settlement, the 74 men will share $2.7 million in compensation.

Another $2.3 million will go for attorney fees and costs. The agreement also provides that the plaintiffs will pay child, support, restitution and other debts.

The Common Council approved the settlement Tuesday. The proposal would settle 14 federal rights lawsuits pending against the city of Milwaukee over search practices.

Four Milwaukee officers have been convicted of crimes in connection with illegal body searches from 2008 to 2012. All four were forced to resign.

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