Local News
Students displaying Confederate flags at West Salem H.S.
Administration asked them remove
flags or move vehicles from property
Confederate flags have been removed from the West Salem High School parking lot.
Flags flying from trucks have gained the school district some significant, and likely unwanted, attention on social media this week.
School superintendent Troy Gundersen says he had to balance free expression against the disruption of learning and gave the students a choice.
“The high school administration directed the students who were choosing to do that,” Gundersen said, “to either remove the flags from their vehicles or remove their vehicles from the parking lot.”
The students chose to move their trucks to the street.
“(It was) starting to become a disruption in terms of disrupting our daily activities with the amount of distraction it’s causing our students and complaints from … questions and uneasiness from our African-American students,” Gundersen said.
The students’ trucks were moved to the street today and then, apparently, the flags were stolen and the trucks were vandalized.
“Some people have decided to use the flag in hate-related crimes and racism but that is not what the flag truly stands for,” Jamie Faucett, a stepmom of one of the students who had a flag in the back of his truck, said. “That’s just what society has decided to make it.”