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Wisconsin mother sues Pop Warner, could have impact on youth sports
Her son killed himself,
autopsy revealed “CTE”
While hundreds of thousands of kids around the nation still play some kind of pee-wee tackle football, that may be changing.
A lawsuit settled in Wisconsin could have a ripple effect in youth football across the nation.
A woman sued the Pop Warner football organization over concussive head injuries she claimed her son suffered while on the field as a young boy.
The suit claimed Joseph Chernach was never diagnosed properly by coaches who continued to let him play hurt.
Chernach killed himself when he was 25, and an autopsy later revealed CTE, a degenerative brain trauma associated with repeated concussions.
The same condition that spawned a $1 billion lawsuit against the NFL.
The two sides settled in the Chernach suit for what has been reported to be less than $2 million.
Chernach died in Hixon, Wis., in 2012. The family is originally from Arcadia, Wis.