Local News
City administrator/ballot issue big in Onalaska mayor’s race
Candidates push for votes ahead of Tuesday
The top issue in the mayoral race in Onalaska isn’t one you might expect.
It probably should be the switch to a city administrator style of government with a part time mayor instead of the current full time position.
But most of the focus of the race is how the current mayor isn’t on the ballot, while his opponent is.
Onalaska Mayor Joe Chilsen, who will be in the WIZM studio at 4 p.m., is running a write-in campaign to get re-elected, after a nomination paper gaff left him off the ballot.
Getting beyond the ballot situation, the top issue for many voters in Onalaska could be that of making the part time mayor and city administrator position.
Candidate Jack Pogreba in the WIZM studio on Wednesday, said that was something that should have been done through a referendum.
“It’s not that I’m against it 100 percent,” Pogreba said. “I always thought the citizens should have had the right to choose.
“To turn around, and put another person in city hall, that’s not going to be the answer the the taxpayers, without having a referendum, I thought that was a little wrong.”
Pogreba didn’t think the position was all bad, however.
“Having a city administrator would help keep continuity between your political runs of mayors,” he said.