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What’s worse, Obama picking a Supreme Court justice or Donald Trump?



New York senator Chuck Schumer asked that question

Pressure is mounting for Republicans to change their stance on the vacant Supreme Court Justice seat.

President Barack Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland for the opening and there appears to be little reason to accept him.

During a media conference call Friday, New York Dem. Sen. Chuck Schumer said the public’s voice is beginning to be heard on the matter.

“Every day, voters grow more frustrated with republican obstruction, and more terrified of the prospect of Donald Trump picking the next Supreme Court justice,” Schumer said. 

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren created a petition – which then takes you to Warren’s “donate” page – asking for an up-or-down vote on the matter. Schumer said more than a million people have signed it. 

 Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson has stuck with the majority of Republicans, who do not want any hearings on Garland’s nomination.

“If they want to debate his record of qualifications to be a justice, that’s great,” Schumer said. “Lets do it in a hearing, where the justice can explain his views to the senate and to the american public. And Republicans can dig into any part of his record they choose.”

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver made a mockery of Republican’s reasoning for not, at least, considering Garland.



Late last week, Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran reversed his position on having a hearing for Garland. An aide said Moran didn’t need a hearing to decide that Garland is “unacceptable,” and that he’s “committed to preventing this president” from naming any more Supreme Court justices.

Commercials are running in Iowa, urging voters to support Sen. Chuck Grassley’s effort to prevent Obama from putting a liberal majority on the Supreme Court.  


“(Senate Majority) Leader (Mitch) McConnell and Chairman Grassley are trying to drive Republicans off a cliff,” Schumer said. “But fewer and fewer of them are willing to go along for the ride. And, as Republicans go through their states, it’s clear that the public feels this.” 

1 Comment

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    April 9, 2016 at 9:07 pm

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