As I See It

Most don’t like current system of electing presidents



Is our system of choosing a President rigged? We hear that message, even from some of the candidates. And a new poll suggests that most people agree. A new Reuters poll finds more than half of American voters believe the system used to select candidates for the White House is “rigged.” More than two thirds want to see the process changed. Those in charge may tell us the current system works just fine, but most Americans don’t see it that way. If nothing else, the system is confusing. Rules vary by states, and by party. The political parties decide how delegates are awarded in each state, and Republicans and Democrats have different rules for doing that. In Colorado, they didn’t even hold an election. This poll finds 27% of votes don’t understand how the primary process works, and 44% don’t understand the use of delegates. And those numbers are from those who bother to take the time to vote. Among the general population the number who find the process confusing, or dumb, is likely much higher. So why do we do it this way? A one-man-one-vote system would be much easier to understand, and likely remove the theory that the system is rigged. The poll also finds nearly half would like to see the presidential primary happen on just one day across the country, with all states voting on the same day. That would be a good idea, getting the whole thing over with more quickly, and reducing all this voter fatigue.

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