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Delegate says Bernie Sanders not going anywhere, polls say the same



Sanders does much better than Clinton
against Trump in general election polls

He’s one of four Bernie Sanders delegates picked after weekend voting among Wisconsin’s Third Congressional Democrats.  

Not only does Laronge see a path forward for Sanders to collect his party’s nomination for president, but he says it’s essential for the party that everyone else see that, too.

“We need to absolutely make it clear to them that the only real clear path is (with) Bernie Sanders,” Laronge said.

In every major general election poll Sanders blows Trump out of the water by a 13.6-point average.

Clinton, on the other hand, only beats Trump by a 6.7 margin and doesn’t even take him in all the polls.

Though a lot of time spans now and the convention in July, Laronge believes his vote will still mean something by the time it rolls around.

“Statically speaking, it’s almost a certainty that the convention itself is going to be contested,” he said.

Laronge says he’ll push hard at the Democratic Party national convention in July to get Clinton delegates to realize that the only way the party wins is to select Sanders as the candidate.

Clinton will have three delegates from the Third Congressional District at the same convention.

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