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Wisconsin one of six states to ban drug Kratom



Loosely controlled substance still legal in Minnesota

Wisconsin remains an outlier when it comes to regulation of a painkiller.

It’s now one of only six states to ban Kratom, a natural painkiller that has been rapidly growing in use, but very loose in control by the federal government.

It is legal in Minnesota, and it’s there where Stephen Conlin hopes to get some Kratom to sell in his shop in St. Charles, Minn.

“If you consume so much of it, you feel slightly elevated and happy,” Conlin said. “You consume more, it will sedate you or make you sleepy. There’s no high to it, other than, ‘Damn, this feels good not to hurt.’

“This doesn’t provide a euphoria other than the relief of pain,” he continued. “It does hit the same nerve receptors as the opiates do, without causing all the problems that the opiates cause.”

Alabama has become the latest state to ban Kratom, although it’s not regulated as a Schedule 1 Narcotic. It has been declared a “drug and chemical of concern” by the FDA. 

One question surrounding it: Is it a drug or a plant? 

Supporters says Kratom is a little bit of both and hardly dangerous.

“It’s kind of like marijuana in the respect that, chances are, unless a ton and a half falls on you from more than 10 feet in the area, it’s not likely to cause you harm,” Conlin said.

Kratom has been called a remarkable painkiller without the addictive qualities of opioids. 

It’s really just crushed up leaves that you drink in a tea or take in a capsule, Conlin says.

“Don’t believe there’s any smoking of it going on,” he said. “That’s not part of the delivery system. It’s simply consumed orally and as a painkiller.”

1 Comment

  1. Bolan

    April 16, 2019 at 4:25 pm

    Hey everyone you should really read this!
    Wisconsin just got a new “progressive” governor Tony Evers who wants to liberalize the states’ marijuana laws but he is obviously a fake “progressive” as hundreds more Wisconsites die needlessly from ODs from opioids – that could have been prevented with legal access to kratom in Wisconsin – just since Evers’ inauguration 3 and a half months ago we are talking hundreds of Wisconsites have died.
    As I type this another Wisconsin resident is dying because of Tony Evers.
    He can’t possibly not know about this issue can he????
    You’d think if anyone would be sympathetic to it it would be him. He is a cancer survivor who probably is not naive to a pain pill himself. And he grew up making cheese in Wisconsin’s cheese capital – interestingly cheese contains opioid-like chemicals like kratom does – and BOTH kratom and cheese do NOT affect the chemical pathway that causes respiratory shutdown – the cause of Opioid/Heroin/Painkiller Overdoses (they stop breathing).
    But here they sit poor Wisconsin residents with a draconian law that makes a speck of this herb that is as legal as an acorn in 45 states – is punishable with prison time – it is a felony as illegal as LSD and heroin.
    So next time you think someone is a “progressive” – look a little deeper and you may find a heartless cold regressive nanny-state Darth Vader figure.

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