Local News
City’s $120,000 construction on Hixon trail connection to begin
Project to connect Vista 2 to Vista 1 and Bicentennial
The $120,000 construction begins today on a new multi-use trail in La Crosse’s Hixon Forest.
The Vista 2 trail is meant to replace some of that the city calls “existing dangerous rogue trails” – trails that aren’t approved and not intended for public use.
They call them “dangerous rogue trails,” as well. They tend to be cut into steep parts of the forest and lead to erosion.
The new, Vista 2 trail won’t likely be dangerous but it will be educational. The plan is to add educational elements along the path and connect existing trails in the forest, making a couple of new loops.
The new trail will connect with the Vista 1 and Bicentennial trails and make for a big loop through the forest with access from the top of the bluff by the weather station on County Hwy. FA.