As I See It

Drug testing for rich people



Lawmakers work to make sure that those who receive public benefits are not also choosing to use drugs. Well, some who receive public benefits. Wisconsin, like most states, tries to single out poor people as being those who waste our tax dollars. The state budget includes provisions that allows those on welfare, those seeking unemployment and those receiving food stamps to be tested for drug use. And kicked off the meal train if they are caught using. But what about others who receive public benefits? That’s what one U.S. Representative from Wisconsin is asking. Rep. Gwen Moore has introduced legislation calling on others who receive support from the government to be tested for drug use. The rich people. She has introduced the “Top 1% Accountability Act” which would require those claiming a tax deduction in excess of $150,000 to provide a urine sample. Of course this legislation isn’t going anywhere. But Moore has a point. She points out that substance abuse is not an issue in this country which is isolalted to the poor. She argues “the notion that those battling poverty are somehow more susceptible to substance abuse is as absurd as it is offensive.” She is right of course. So let’s stop vilifying the poor, and try to address the serious problem of substance abuse that affects people of all walks of life.

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