Local News
TPP agreement big deal for farmers
Wisconsin Farmers Union pres. says farmers not seeing benefit
The pending Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement has been a relatively small issue in coming elections, but it should be huge.
That’s from Wisconsin Farmers Union president Darin Von Ruden, a Westby dairy farmer. He says the TPP deal has only negative impacts for Wisconsin farmers, despite promises of more prosperity for everyone.
“Seems like everybody, between the consumer and the farmers, are the ones that are making the profits off these trade deals,” Von Ruden said. “And it’s not really getting back to the guy at the bottom of the totem pole.”
The TPP agreement had promised a kind of trickle-down prosperity.
“With all the trade deals that we’ve seen over the years, there’s been the promise of trickle-down economics and eventually it gets to the farmer, but we just haven’t seen that,” Von Ruden said. “Since 1994, we’re less than have than what we were in total farm numbers.
(TPP) is not working … to get those dollars back in farmers’ pockets.
Among the worries, Von Ruden says the TPP deal could lead to greater imports of what’s known as milk protein concentrates, which can diminish demand for milk produced on American farms.
David E.H. Smith
July 21, 2016 at 11:22 pm
TPP & other Global Corporate Treaties/’Arrangements’
TPP, et al, Just in Time to protect Monsanto’s carcinogenic ‘Round Up’ Herbicide & other Toxic products & Foods; the Future of ‘Legal’ Poisoning of harmless Customers starts NOW. Taxes Increased as Gov’ts pass Lawsuit Costs to harmless citizens? Further Cuts to Gov’t. Services.
TPP & the other Global Corporate treaties/’arrangements’: Global AGRI-CORPORATIONs/Lobbyists SWEAR that some farmers may benefit.
Is Clinton betting on TPP kick-back by way NON-RETURNING CONGRESSMEN.
NON-RETURNING CONGRESSMEN using LOBBYISTS to SECURE POST POLITICAL JOBS Have to PASS TPP, TTIP, et al with IMPUNITY, &/or, for Future ‘Considerations’? Constituents to Pay for LOBBYIST’s Treaties/’Arrangements’, or, What are Various Ways Voters can Prevail upon the Secret Relationship between the Execs. of Political Parties & Lobbyists and ‘Your’ Congressmen?
Protecting the ‘harmless’ citizens of US from Corporate ‘America’ using ‘trade’ arrangements to Sue the ‘harmless’ Americans by way stocks in Corporations of TPP, TTIP Global Corporate Associates’ is NOT ‘protectionist’. Will Trump Triumph & get the appreciation of the voters?
TPP, TTIP, et al; If the ‘Agreements’ are anything other than a schedule of reducing tariffs then it’s not about ‘Free’ Trade but ‘Enslaving’ Trade; Shifting Corporate Liabilities on to the ‘harmless’ citizens?
Not all Trade Deals are Good, or, Bad; but what are the Elements of a ‘Very GOOD’ Trade Deal.
Do the other signatories of the global corporate treaties/’arrangements’ understand how corporate Canada is superseding gains by Native Canadians by continuing to avoid its liabilities via its information deprivation (eg. The W.A.D. Accord & The MERKEL {Chancellor of Germany} Letter) & trying to pass its liabilities on to its global corporate associates, their citizens and the citizens of Canada?
The ‘EMPIRE’* STRIKES BACK against Huge Indirect Taxes to pay for Secret Liabilities & Hidden Costs via Tribunal’s (‘Death-Star-Chamber) Punitive Penalties?
*the ‘harmless’ citizens of the Anti-Global Corporate Economy
Stockholders sue their neighbors & in-laws via their TPP, TTIP, CETA, et al, Global Corporate associates.
TPP & Japan, et al; ‘The Submission’ to The Supreme Court of Canada paves the way for Expanding & Improving the basis of the Yamada led ‘Sword & Shield’ Counter-attack Suit against the Japanese gov’t., Corporates America & Canada, or, their ‘harmless’ citizens, et al. TPP & other Global Corporate Treaties/’Arrangements’ signatory Gov’ts. in Conflict of Interest.
TPP & other Global Corporate Treaties/’Arrangements’ PREVENTING MULTI-BILLIONS of DOLLARS of LAWSUITS to be paid by the ‘harmless’ Voters/Taxpayers.
OPPOSITION to TPP, TTIP, CETA, et al, REDUCES FEAR; “the (EU) Commission’s fear is a multi-million euro lawsuit from industry”*
Why haven’t the Citizens of the Global Corporate economy been given enough info to balance the potential for Employment versus the amounts they will Certainty have to Pay for the Secret Liabilities & Hidden Costs of ‘Trade’ Tribunals’ Punitive Penalties (Indirect Tax), etc.?
FULL article, ‘The ‘EMPIRE’* STRIKES BACK…’, see; davidehsmith.wordpress.com
*** PLEASE CONSIDER SHARING the enclosed information & questions with 10 friends who will share it with 10 others…