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Kapanke good with Trump, ready to help other Republicans

Loggers owner needs to get through Aug. primary
On the same ballot with Donald Trump and having no problem with it.
Wisconsin 32nd state Senate district candidate, Rep. Dan Kapanke, assuming he gets through next month’s primary, will be in that position and he doesn’t think there’ll be any negative impact with Trump.
“I said from the get go that, we have to do our thing,” Kapanke said. “We can’t worry about who’s at the top of the ticket or who’s running for U.S. Senate. We have our race to run and we have to be as prepared as we can be.
“We have to face reality, the nominee is Donald Trump. He’s the guy that’s going to go up against Hillary Clinton.”
Kapanke was in the 1410 WIZM studio Thursday, the night Trump formally accepted his party’s presidential nomination.
“Take a look at Donald Trump and his cabinet and what he believes and Hillary Clinton and her cabinet and what she believes and make your choice. I think it’s clear cut,” Kapanke said.
He also still believes there’s plenty of work down ballot candidates have to do.
“We can help other people on the ticket,” Kapanke said. “Julian Bradley helping me in the 94th, Lee Nerison helping me in the 96th or me helping them.
“We have to all be ready to run our own race and I believe (Trump) being on top of the ticket with Mike Pence will help down the line.”
Kapanke still has to get through the August primary before he actually appears on the ballot in November with Donald Trump. Onalaska’s John Sarnowski is also running for the seat as a Republican.