Local News

Louisiana floods devastating, but not getting needed attention



Presidential races, Olympics have taken over spotlight

It’s the worst disaster since Hurricane Sandy took 147 lives four years ago.

The flooding in Louisiana has displaced 70,000 people after a ridiculous 6,900,000,000,000 gallons of rain in one week.

But, you might not know much about the disaster thanks to the media’s frenzy elsewhere – presidential races and Olympic races.

“This is almost an invisible disaster to some because media attention has been in other places,” Barbra Behling, the communications officer with the American Red Cross, said. “We’re viewing this as our largest disaster since Hurricane Sandy.”

The floods, however, have taken the lives of 13 people and more rain is still expected.

The Wisconsin chapter of the Red Cross has sent 41 people to help and is still looking for volunteers, though there is some level of training necessary before being sent.

“Some people come to us with very specific skills, such as a nurse or doctor,” Behling said. “Some people say ‘You know I’ve been a housewife. I’ve been a farmer. I just want to help people.’

“For those people, we can train them on how to run a shelter.”

For those interested in volunteering click here.

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