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On break, Senator Baldwin visits La Crosse Boys and Girls Club



Congress is off for the month of August

During the month-long break that Congress takes in August, its members are expected to go back home to find out what the people in their states are concerned about.

Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin spent part of this weekend meeting children at Boys and Girls Club on the Viterbo University campus in La Crosse.  

Some of the older club members describe what they like to do, and how they help out younger kids, while Boys and Girls Club director Mike Desmond led the tour.

“I would hope some of you would come with me so you can tell the sen what goes on in all these different rooms,” Desmond said. “And when we get to the dance room, that’s when you get to do your hip-hop routines (children laugh).”

Baldwin talked of the bond she has with Hillary Clinton.

“She and I were elected to the U.S. Senate in the same year, 2012,” Baldwin said. “It’s kind of like, if you think about your classmates in school, you’re kind of bonded closer to them than the upper classmen, because you went through something together.”

Baldwin said that politicians should learn how to talk with each other in a civil manner, without ugly name-calling.




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