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More outcry in plan to axe La Crosse’s public works dept.



Decision part of mayor’s plan to reorganize departments and save money

Dumping a key department head position in La Crosse’s city hall appears close to final approval.

This week, the city council votes on the plan to eliminate the city’s public works director and dissolve the whole public works dept.

North side city council rep. Andrea Richmond isn’t completely pleased, though, even if it does mean saving $150,000 in next year’s city budget.

“I think we’re missing the boat here if we eliminate that position,” Richmond said. “It’s not all about the dollars, because we spend tons of money in our surplus funds every year.”

Several current employees have also spoken out against the change. La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat says he already has the idea worked into his final budget plans for next year, however. It’s part of his long-term plan to reorganize all city departments.

While the plan will eliminate a department head, it would not put someone out of a job. Current public works director Dale Hexom plans to retire at the end of the year.

With his loss, and the department’s, Richmond worries the city is about to lose a key area of concentrated expertise.

“I personally appreciated what many times, I have called, council members have called, the public works office,” she said. “I would always get an answer or, if they didn’t have an answer, they would direct me to someone that could get me that answer.”

Richmond even has a replacement for Hexom in current city engineer Randy Turtenwald.

“Really feel that he, with his knowledge, could take over and assume that responsibility as director of public works,’ Richmond said.

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