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Progressive group agrees with Walker’s road plan, but not for same reasons



Walker delaying plans because of funding

There has been a lot of criticism over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s new spending plan for roads in Wisconsin.

Less so, and almost surprisingly, from the progressive watchdog Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WISPIRG).

WISPIRG director Peter Skopec appreciates that the governor is pumping the brakes on some highway expansion plans in the state and putting a little more money into local road aid.

“It’s great that the governor recognizes that there’s more need for maintenance, especially at the local level,” he said. “We’ve been saying, for a long time, that local governments need to see more funding so that they can invest in their transportation priorities.

“Fixing potholes on local roads. Fixing the bridges. Also, repairing things like sidewalks and investing in transit systems.”

It’s not often the progressive groups line up behind Walker’s proposals. But moving the priorities to local governments is a no-brainer for Skopec.

“Maybe some of the major projects that we’ve been investing in very heavily for the last 15-20 years,” Skopec said, “that, that money is not necessarily well spent.

“Over the last 15-20 years we’ve scaled back spending at the local level, so that means that are infrastructure in local communities all across Wisconsin is really not in good shape.”

The difference, however, is that Walker wants delays because the state can’t afford the projects. Skopec’s group simply doesn’t believe the projects are needed.

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