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If you wanna vote Clinton or Trump now, you can, but you might not get a sticker



Absentee voters could miss out on “I Voted” sticker craze

No need to wait until Nov. 8 to decide: Trump or Clinton.

The voting starts now. At least it does in some places.

Municipal clerks in La Crosse had all agreed to start early absentee voting for the presidential election on October 17.

A couple clerks, however, including West Salem administrator Theresa Schnitzler, figured “they’re going to come regardless,” she said. “Why bunch them all in two or three weeks? They’re here. Let them do it.”

She expects up to 25 percent of the votes cast in the village for the upcoming presidential election will be from absentee ballots. 

“There’s a couple of clerks that are saying, ‘This is going to be huge. We have the ballots right now. If they come, we’re going to let them vote,'” Schnitzler said.

Might as well do it now and avoid the line, right?

“People think it might go quicker if they come and vote absentee,” Schnitzler said. “In reality, it takes longer. There’s paperwork to fill out here.”

Schnitzler recommends checking with the clerk in your town to see if you can vote early, if you’re interested. 


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