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Democrats and Republicans agree, something needs to be done about MN healthcare



Premiums increasing by an avg. 60 percent

Democrats in Minnesota are chiming in now on calls for a special session to deal with the state’s healthcare crisis.

Both parties now urging Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton to get lawmakers together before the next legislative session to deal with health insurance premium increases on the individual market that will average over 60 percent.

“Changes need to be made and they need to be made quickly and we need both parties to work together,” Winona Republican Sen. Jeremy Miller said.

He is among the chorus of voices pushing for a special legislative session. Some have suggested calling the session after the November 8 election in order to limit politicizing the issue.

That may, however, be a waste of valuable time.

“We’re seeing double-digit premium increases, we’re seeing deductibles rise,” Miller said. “Something needs to be done quickly. People can no longer afford these massive increases in the health insurance premiums due to MNSure and the Affordable Care Act.”

Dayton, formerly a fan of the Affordable Care Act, made news recently when he called the federal law unaffordable for people in Minnesota.

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