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Green Bay’s nonpartisan city clerk refused early voting site, fearing it would “lean more toward the democrats”
State election attorney hesitant to argue one party would gain advantage
The city clerk in Green Bay refused to set up an early voting site on a college campus in part because she feared the site would help Democrats, according to emails obtained by a liberal advocacy group.
The emails show City Clerk Kris Teske citing the potential partisan advantage, along with concerns about ballot security, costs and staffing issues, in refusing to establish the early voting site at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus. One Wisconsin Institute provided the emails to The Associated Press on Tuesday, after the Nation first reported about them.
Teske pointed to statutes that prohibit early voting sites that give a political party an advantage. The emails show that state Rep. Eric Genrich, a Green Bay Democrat, was pressing Teske to approve the university voting site, but she refused, saying that people could vote early at City Hall.
“UWGB is a polling location for students and residents on Election Day but I feel by asking for this to be the site for early voting is encouraging the students to vote more than benefiting the city as a whole,” Teske wrote in the Aug. 26 email to David Buerger, counsel at the Wisconsin Ethics Commission. “I have heard it said that students lean more toward the democrats and he (Genrich) is a democrat … Do I have an argument about it being more of a benefit to the democrats?”
Nathan Judnic, an attorney for the state Elections Commission, responded on Sept. 9, saying budget, staffing and ballot security issues are all legitimate factors to consider when setting up early voting sites and she doesn’t have to document any reason for choosing sites.
However, Judnic said he would be “hesitant” to argue that one political party might gain an advantage because of a particular polling location unless she could offer something more than that she’d heard students lean Democratic. He added that the site could be used by everyone in the city, not just students, and since the campus is a polling site on Election Day he can’t see any difference in using it for early voting.
Mayor Jim Schmitt appointed Teske to her position in February 2012. Both the mayor and the city clerk are officially nonpartisan. Schmitt’s chief-of-staff, Celestine Jeffreys, said he considers himself a moderate Republican.
Teske declined comment when reached by The Associated Press, referring a reporter to the statute barring sites that provide a political advantage. Jeffreys said she didn’t know Teske’s political affiliation.
Jeffreys stressed in a telephone interview that a number of people, including herself, Teske and the city attorney, ultimately decided not to create any satellite early voting sites given budget, staffing and time constraints. Schmitt had no role in those discussions, she said, and Teske was just trying to understand and follow the law.
“It wasn’t some vast … right-wing conspiracy,” Jeffreys said, adding that she considers herself a Democrat.
Schmitt was charged in September with three campaign finance violations, including making false statements on his finance reports, attempting to accept funds from someone other than the reported contributor and attempt to accept funds in excess of contribution limits. He is expected to enter a guilty plea in December in exchange for no jail time.