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Recount almost certain between Shilling and Kapanke for state Senate
Shilling leads Kapanke by 58 votes
The official count of election returns for La Crosse County begins at 9 a.m. today and so does the possible process for a recount of a state Senate race.
Only 58 votes separate leading candidate Jennifer Shilling and Dan Kapanke in the 32nd District balloting.
Shilling had 43,565 votes to Kapanke’s 43,507.
But, no recount just yet.
“The losing candidate has to wait until the last day that the county board of canvassers meet,” Reid Magney with the Wisconsin Elections Commission said.
And Kapanke has three days to request a recount after all votes are canvassed.
The district covers four counties so the recount request might not be made until November 15-16. The target date for completing a recount is December 1.
Kapanke won’t have to pay a recount cost because the difference is less than .25 percent.