Local News
A 65-year-old hits woman in wheelchair with truck, could be third OWI
Would be third OWI, after blowing .155
He didn’t recall hitting a woman in a wheelchair with his truck. Perhaps that’s why Clinton Boardman never stopped at the Fourth St. and La Crosse St. intersection.
Witnesses got his plate number and vehicle description, however, and La Crosse police tracked down the 65-year-old a few blocks away from the scene Friday afternoon.
When police asked Boardman how much he had to drink, he told them a couple drinks, according to the report.
When asked to elaborate, the Galesville, Wis., man said, “Eight Busch Lights.”
He blew a .155. If convicted, it would be Boardman’s third OWI. He’s due back in court Dec. 6.
No word on the condition of the woman he hit.