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Protests against support for DAPL in La Crosse



Protestors urge conscientious finances

A day of action across the nation on Thursday, including in La Crosse.  

Protesters picketed, or in some cases, marched on financial institutions. Those banks supporting the Dakota Access Pipeline.  

Wells Fargo was targeted more than others.  

“We’re really asking people to do the thing that’s really hard right now; to think about what their actions are, to think about where their money is going, think about what’s going on in the world and then consider whether you stand behind that,” Tonja Birke, among those picketing with signs outside of the Wells Fargo in downtown La Crosse, said. “And if you don’t, then do something about it.”

While many of the protests around the nation were peaceful, some involved tension.

Demonstrators at the Wells Fargo in downtown Minneapolis locked arms to block employee access to the building’s elevators as the workday started shortly before 8 a.m. 

Demonstrators urged customers of banks like Wells Fargo to not only reconsider doing business there but also to help support the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in its fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

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