Local News
Crews still picking up leaves in La Crosse

Staff to discuss if things need to be different next season
Heads probably won’t roll in city hall over how leaf pick up went this season in La Crosse.
But there will definitely be a season-ending debriefing that La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat talked about in the WIZM studio Tuesday. And those talks probably relate to the number of complaints about the service that reached his desk.
Kabat thinks the unusually warm fall weather had something to do with how the pick up lagged this year.
“We were experiencing that on a citywide scale, where it did seem like we had a later drop of leaves,” Kabat said. “The other piece of that was, because of the warm weather, we were also trying to do as much street projects before the snow flies.”
Crews are still picking up leaves in the city as of today.
“When we finally put to bed the leaf collection this year, we will sit down as a staff and do, sort of “the good the bad and the ugly,” and see what we can do next year,” Kabat said.