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Walker sent letter in support of DeVos for education head

Walker has received $342,000 from Devos and her family since 2010.
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has sent a letter of support for Betsy DeVos as U.S. education secretary.
Walker’s letter was sent Monday to the leaders of the Senate committee that held her confirmation hearing Tuesday. DeVos is a billionaire and leading advocate of the school choice movement.
Liberal think tank the Center for American Progress says Walker has received $342,000 from DeVos and her family since 2010.
Walker says in the letter that he strongly supports her confirmation and that she believes in “promoting competition by giving parents and students the opportunity to choose the schools of their choice.”
DeVos used to head the American Federation for Children, a group that backs school choice efforts and has spent millions since 2010 to help elect Walker and Republicans.
Here are some highlights of DeVos’ committee hearing Tuesday.