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Gov. Walker, at WTC, gives thoughts on legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin



The Gov. is in favor of legalizing CBD oil,
though there’s no way to get it in the state.

Medical marijuana gets support from Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

Visiting Western Technical College in La Crosse on Thursday, Walker told reporters he would sign a bill to permit the use of CBD oil for treating seizures, because it’s only an extract from the marijuana plant.

Talks into legalizing pot, like Minnesota is having right now, is not happening, however.

“I do not, however, support measures that would open the door with legalized use of marijuana in state,” Walker said, “because law enforcement, increasingly, from one end of the state to another, from democrats as well as republican sheriffs, have told me, ‘Do not legalize marijuana, it is a gateway drug to other drugs.'”

As for legalizing CBD oil, Walker didn’t address one hitch in the plan.

As was discussed earlier this week by Democratic State Sen. Chris Larson, CBD is illegal to take across state lines, so importing it would be impossible.

Larson proposed allowing it to be manufactured in Wisconsin but Republican senators said no.

CBD oil is used to treat seizures in children.

Walker was at WTC on Thursday, as part of a tour of Wisconsin promoting his new budget package, which was unveiled Wednesday afternoon. Walker talked up his budget on Tuesday at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.


  1. Bonnie

    February 11, 2017 at 10:52 am

    It helps with anxiety and depression.if you can’t sleep some people especially with cancer do not have an appetite so it’s good for these patients it’s terrible we live in America the land of the free but yet we as the people can not have this plant smh

  2. Gary

    February 13, 2017 at 3:08 pm

    The gateway drug myth has been thoroughly debunked. Even the DEA admits that it is NOT true! The real reason why law ebforcement opposes ending cannabis prohibition has nothing to do with public health or safety. If it did they would be advocating for bringing back alcohol prohibition. Just think of how many lives would be saved from drunk driving and alcoholism! But they are not! Why? Because prohibition is big business for law enforcement in Wisconsin. They receive millions in civil forfeitures and federal drug war grants. Follow the money as always. Wake up Wisconsin and legalize it! Prohibition does not work.

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