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Council member calls rusty, dented La Crosse cabs “offensive,” proposes new rules



Rules would require cabs have no rust, dents and uniform paint.

Rusty cabs could be out in La Crosse.

That’s a change city council member Audrey Kader wants to make in current rules that regulate taxis. No rust. No big dents. Uniform colors. 

Kader says her proposals come after seeing taxis with big dents, mismatched body panels and rust spots.

“I found it very offensive,” Kader said. “I happen to live in a downtown area. I see the cabs all the time. People taking pride in the city don’t like to see these vehicles.

“I’ve had complaints. Tourists. Business people coming into town. The appearance of the vehicles is not attractive or a good reflection on the city.”

Currently, taxi licenses already do depend partially on the appearance of cabs. Recently, the city clerk’s office acknowledged that inspections of appearance weren’t actually occurring.  

“It seems some of the companies can manage to do it,” Kader said of her new proposal. “Others, don’t choose to.”

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