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La Crosse Rep. party chair doesn’t care who goes against Gov. Scott Walker in 2018



Democrats have nobody worth worrying about, Bill Feehan believes.

Although he hasn’t made it official, it’s pretty clear that Scott Walker is running for a third term as Wisconsin’s governor.  

What’s not so clear: Who’s going to run against him? 

In the last few days, Congressman Ron Kind has said he’s not yet ruling out a run. Alma state Senator Kathleen Vinehout has also been mentioned as a possible candidate. As has La Crosse state senator Jennifer Shilling.  

If you ask the La Crosse Republican party chair of Wisconsin, the news doesn’t bode well for Dems.

“You know, I think they’re going to have a really hard time finding somebody that wants to really challenge Scott Walker,” Feehan said. “He’s been elected three times, if you include the recall. We won the United States Senate race with Ron Johnson. Donald Trump carried the state. We expanded our majorities in the Assembly and the state Senate.

“I think that bodes really well in 2018 for Republicans in Wisconsin.”

Feehan has every bit of confidence in Walker or no confidence in the Democrats. Or both.

“I’m really not concerned with who the Democrats put up,” he said. “I think Scott Walker is going to win handly. And we will also pick up that U.S. Senate seat.

“I think the Republican Party of Wisconsin is probably one of the strongest parties in the country. I think we have an incredible record of winning statewide elections. And, I think it’s going to be hard to find a democrat that wants to step into that.

Of course, the Republican Party has also been successful under what the federal juges ruled unconstitutional drawing of Wisconsin’s legislative voting boundaries in 2010. 

The Republican legislature has been given until November to redo work originally completed in 2011, though that’s being fought by both Republicans and Democrats.


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