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Winona Sen. Miller introduced legislation for Sunday alcohol sales in Minnesota



Republican says he’s been working on the issue for 7 years.

Liquor stores won’t have to be open on Sundays in Minnesota but with some new legislation they would have the option.

State Sen. Jeremy Miller (R-Winona) has drafted legislation just for that. He says he’s been working on this issue since he was first elected to the state Senate seven years ago.

“I’ve been hearing loud and clear from constituents that they simply want the opportunity to buy beer wine and liquor on Sundays,” he said. “All our neighboring states are open on Sunday. We’re just trying to accomplish the same thing.”

It’s not as big an issue where Miller is from, as Winona borders Wisconsin, but it gives those stores more opportunities for sales.


Born in Decorah Iowa. I've been a news reporter for the last 10 years, starting right out of college in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Other professional opportunities led me to Marshalltown, Iowa and Antigo Wisconsin, before I finally was afforded the opportunity here in La Crosse. I've been here since 2016. I also act as the voice of local sports, doing play by play of high school and college football and basketball. When not working I enjoy golfing.

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