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Cellphones not only cause of distracted driving accidents



Woman who drove into Econo Lodge pool area wasn’t on her cellphone.

The dangers of distracted driving seem to be relatively well documented, and the type of distractions seem to be unlimited.

The driver who crashed her jeep into the Econo Lodge on La Crosse’s north side Sunday morning apparently was distracted while looking for a piece of gum in her purse.  

Nationwide, between 4,000-5,000 accidents are caused by distractions every year.

La Crosse police’s Brooke Pataska has seen her share of excuses.

  • Electronic devices in the car.
  • Changing the radio station.
  • Kids being rambunctious or crying.
  • Passengers messing with something.
  • An insect the driver is trying to shoo out a window.
  • Driver trying to pick up something they dropped.
  • Carefree driving in the summer, not having to worry about conditions.

In other words, it’s not just cellphones that’s causing accidents.

Fines for distracted driving violations range from $20-$400. For all other violations, the fine can range between $10 and $40 for a first violation and $50 to $100 for a second violation within a year.

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