As I See It

DOT finally recognizes need to be accurate



We need to do better. That is the overall assessment of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and it comes from the new boss at that state agency. DOT Secretary Dave Ross was called out on the carpet by lawmakers at a legislative hearing this week in Madison. That’s because a recent audit found that the DOT had been woefully underestimating the cost of road projects in recent years, because the agency failed to account for the cost of inflation when determining cost estimates. In fact, the audit found that the DOT underestimated highway costs by $3 billion. That go lawmakers attention, and they are calling for changes in how the agency operates. Secretary Ross agrees, vowing to “change the culture” at the DOT, saying they need to be more accurate. That would be a good start. Lawmakers also want the DOT to better brief them on project updates and to account for inflation and other costs in future estimates. It shouldn’t take a trip to the woodshed for those who run the DOT to be reminded of that, but it is good that our lawmakers are now keeping a closer eye on those in charge of our roads.

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