Local News
One issue looms over others for south side city council candidate

Only 6 of 13 seats will be contested in April.
La Crosse city council hopefuls this spring will ramp up their campaign efforts between now and April.
In going door-to-door ahead of last week’s primary, south side city council rep. Gary Padesky already has an idea of what’s on voters’ minds.
Sure, potholes and the floodplain issues are big, but not as much as drugs and crime.
“We do have some drug issues,” Padesky said. “WE did have some irrational break-ins last week. We have to keep working with our police and fire and get a handle on it.”
Padesky says issues confronting neighborhoods in the city can be better dealt with if crime in those neighborhoods is tackled first.
“I’ve been born and raised here so I’ve seen the changes,” he said. “I really understand that’s one thing we really have to tackle.”
Padesky thinks his positions on dealing with crime issues in the city helped him crush the other three candidates in primary voting.
Not all voters in La Crosse will be wooed by candidates this spring, however. Only six of 13 seats are contested on April’s ballot.