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Holmen school referendum passes in two of three areas



Facilities will get over $3 million in upgrades.

A referendum for the Holmen school district passed two of three areas and will receive over $3 million over the next two years.

Over 2,800 voted Tuesday and the district passed in the areas of security (64 percent) and parking/practice field upgrades (54.3%). Not passing the vote was new field turf and seating for Empire Stadium (48.5%).

Most of the money ($2.84 million) will be used for security and safety projects, while $900,000 will go for additional parking and practice fields, as well as renovated shot/discus areas at the track.

Failing by 89 votes was $300,000 to build additional seating and put down synthetic turf at Empire. 

Meanwhile, in school board races, La Crosse will be gaining a new member. Laurie Cooper Stoll will join incumbents Connie Troyanek and Dave Rudolph in serving three-year terms beginning with the first meeting later this month. 

Troyanek has been on the board for 21 years, while Rudolph is a nine-year veteran. 

Troyanek and Stoll received 28.8 percent of the vote. Dave Rudolph got 24.2, and Allen Pruitt was at 18.2 percent.

In Onalaska, two incumbents and a former school board member are the winners following a quiet campaign.

Incumbents Tim Smaby (31.2%) and Jim Driscoll (26.4) were the top two vote getters, with former member Tom Smith rounding out the four-person race (24.5). 

Driscoll and Smaby both receive three-year terms, whereas Smith will finish out the remaining year left open by Alana Havenstrite. 


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