Yesterday in La Crosse
A radio man becomes the mayor, 62 years ago
In April of 1955, WKTY Radio news anchor Milo Knutson was sworn in as mayor of La Crosse. In his inaugural address, Knutson said the foremost matter before him was reorganizing city government. Knutson had won twice as many votes as incumbent mayor Henry Ahrens, who was unseated after six years. On election night, Knutson was on the air, broadcasting the vote totals from the city clerk’s office. He presided over a 21-member city council, and served as mayor for the next 10 years.
Boyer’s Furniture on Main Street advertised Bigelow Carpets, which were the ‘dream carpet’ of Mr. and Mrs. Desi Arnaz…the stars of ‘I Love Lucy.’ Mrs. Arnaz was better known as Lucille Ball.
A newspaper ad for Community Camera and TV, across the street from Boyer’s, featured a cartoon with four kids asking their dad if he had bought a new television set yet. On Tuesday nights in 1955, La Crosse’s only TV station, WKBT, featured the popular game shows ‘Break the Bank’ and ‘Truth or Consequences,’ along with the weekly inspirational program ‘Life Is Worth Living,’ hosted by New York Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. Sixty-two years ago, 1955, yesterday in La Crosse.