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La Crosse man pleads guilty for raping 14-year-old at gunpoint



The 21-year-old pleaded down to third-degree sexual assault.

A 21-year-old La Crosse man pleaded guilty to forcing an underage girl at gunpoint to have sex with him. 

Jeremy Wrencher pleads guilty to a reduced charge of third-degree sexual assault from the Aug. 23 incident.

According to the the criminal complaint, then 20-year-old Wrencher and his brother, while holding a gun to the girl’s head, forced both oral and sexual intercourse on the 14-year-old.

Wrencher could get five years in prison when he’s sentenced this summer.

Wrencher had been scheduled to go to trial next week, but it was determined that a trial might be harmful to the victim.

The district attorney originally had charged both Wrencher and his brother with gang-raping the teenager but charges against the brother were dropped.


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  1. Tima

    April 20, 2017 at 12:59 pm

    I was raped when I was 11yrs old from what my parents told me he got 25 in and 25 out

  2. Marv

    April 23, 2017 at 5:26 pm

    His brother and him should be going away for a long time wtf weak ass DA more concerned about putting people in jail for digging in trash

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