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Netflix making headlines again, this time about suicide

Mayo doc says show should be watched, but not alone by children.
A Netflix show called 13 Reasons Why is causing worry across the country.
Young people who watch it – now in its second season – apparently start thinking about harming themselves.
The show chronicles a woman’s suicide and a list of the reasons why she took her life.
The show is now forcing many schools across the country to send letters to parents, warning to not allow children to watch it alone.
But Dr. Chelsea Ale at Mayo Health System in La Crosse says children should watch it with their parents.
“It has certainly brought forth the conversation about suicidality in teenagers – sensationalizing suicide and shows that add a good way to get your feelings across,” she said. “The research has shown that kids think about it just as much as adults do.
“Having that conversation, showing that you care and that you’re there, really can help.”
Ale does worry about binge watching the show, as the constant talk of suicide and self harm might overwhelm someone in a vulnerable state.
“In the specific end of the show,” she explains, “they do really graphically depict the actual suicide completion, and that’s been show really to increase suicidal thoughts.”
Ale adds parents should watch their children’s attitude about life and show concern over negative changes.