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La Crosse Congressman Ron Kind would rather get more done



Turmoil out of the White House has bogged down just about everything.

Lawmakers’ work in Washington these days seems to be constantly overshadowed by what’s happening in the White House. 

Congressman Ron Kind feels like not much work is getting done.

The La Crosse Democrat is disappointed his Ways and Means committee has held just its first hearing on tax reform this year.

“We’re in the middle of May already, almost half the year is gone, and this is the fist hearing we’re having on tax reform, even though we’ve known this is something that we need to do since the very beginning of the year?” Kind asked.

That’s just one of many big areas that need work on improving the nation’s infrastructure and health care. All of it bogged down, Kind said, with ongoing crises coming from the White House. “One thing I’ve always been focused on is what can we do start reducing health care costs for all Americans?” Kind asked. “Heath care is just still way too expensive.”

Kind sees areas to solve that problem.

“There is some common ground that you can work on, in a bipartisan fashion, on delivery system reform, payment reform, getting better results at a better price.”

Reaching consensus is tough, however, Kind believes. Even in the best of times.  


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