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Police just as frustrated when children involved in drug busts



Twice in just over a week, children are present when police have made home arrests.

Another drug bust for La Crosse police and another small child involved.  

This time, a 4-month-old baby caught up in apparent meth dealing from a La Crosse hotel room.

Obviously, not the best situation, says La Crosse police captain Jason Melby.

“Our officers deal with a lot of things out on the street,” Melby said, “but there is nothing worse than going in, executing a serach warrant on an apartment and finding kids crawling around with used needles.”

County human services was contacted Tuesday night about the baby, after what police describe as possibly their largest meth bust ever at Candlewood Suites.

Police seized a 1.5 pounds of meth, worth a police estimated $60,000.   

Just over a week ago, police arrested three people on the south side in another drug bust. There, four children were at the home, aged 12, 8, 7 and 2. Also found there, next to the baby’s crib, was a loaded gun.

“Living in a house in filth and squalor because mom and dad are abusing drugs and selling drugs,” Melby said about one bust, then noted the latest. “A 4-month-old baby in a hotel room because mom is selling meth. 

“This is stuff that bothers our guys just as much as it bothers the general public. The child doesn’t have a choice. They’re put in a situation that’s just not right and it makes our job that much more difficult.”

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