As I See It
Lower limit on Losey only?
The lower limit on Losey leads to lament. Many drivers are upset that the city has chosen to lower the speed limit on Losey Boulevard. The new lower limit, 25 mph rather than 30, took effect last week. The city made the change in response to complaints from those living on Losey who claim the heavy and fast traffic was causing damage to their homes. Councilmembers who approved the legislation pointed out that Losey cuts through a neighborhood, with homes on both sides of the street. In order to maintain the neighborhood feel, the speed limit was lowered. But if the city is really concerned about slowing traffic in traditional neighborhoods in La Crosse, shouldn’t there be more consistency? For example, your drive down George Street, from Clinton to Gillette, takes you past homes on both sides of the road. Like Losey it is a major artery through the city which cuts through a neighborhood. Shouldn’t the limit there also be 25? Or did no one living along that stretch bother to complain? Taking it a step further, when we drive, we rarely pay attention to municipal boundaries. Shouldn’t Onalaska, or Holmen also lower limits on roads through neighborhoods? If the area is really concerned about protecting neighborhoods, then shouldn’t there be concern about all those neighborhoods?