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Democracy group calls Trump’s election integrity commission, “voter suppression”



Brennen Center for Justice -

Minnesota has declined to provide any info, Wisconsin to release certain data. 

The controversial Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity met for the first time on Wednesday.

It has integrity in its title, but it’s anything but, insists Matt Rothschild, who heads the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

Part of his evidence for that is in the guy pegged as vice chair of the commission, Kansas Sec. of State, Kris Kobach – the same guy who wanted to require a birth certificate at state polling places.

“His whole record, his whole career over the last 15 years, has been to try and deny people the right to vote,” Rothchild said. “It’s like Donald Trump said he was coming up with a commission on civil rights and appointed David Duke to be vice chair of that committee.”

Rothschild calls the new commission’s efforts to collect personal voter information from states, “voter suppression.”

The commission has requested extensive and personal information on voters, including partial social security numbers.

“It was an outrageous request,” Rothchild said. “More than 40 states have denied the requests. It would be an invasion of privacy.

“There are a couple of lawsuits against the commission just for requesting this data. It just gives you an idea of the kind of statistical power grab that they’re after.”

According to Brennen Center for Justice, 21 states, including Minnesota, along with the District of Columbia, have declined to provide any data for the commission.

Wisconsin and Iowa are among the eight states that would release certain information under conditions, including paying a fee.

Seventeen states agreed to provide only the data allowable by state law.

Most, if not all, will withhold Social Security numbers.

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