Local News
DOT in favor of three roundabouts for South Ave.

Construction not expected for 5 years.
Plans for improving South Ave. in La Crosse may take the simplest path.
The Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation is recommending a proposal which would only require eliminating eight existing buildings on the street, but might still lead to the construction of three roundabouts between Gundersen Health System and Ward Ave.
Other designs might require removing more houses and businesses in order to widen South Ave.
At a meeting Friday, a project consultant and members of a city steering committee debated over the need for all the proposed roundabouts, especially one at 14th St., near Trane Park.
The steering committee was also told that the DOT prefers a plan with a continuous center lane and not widening sidewalks.
No construction is expected on a remake of South Ave. for at least five years.