Local News
Shrinking alternate-side parking in La Crosse: “I think we have the votes”

An alternate-side parking change in La Crosse may have an easier time this year when it goes to the city council for approval.
“I think it’ll pass,” North side city council rep, Andrea Richmond said on WIZM Tuesday morning predicting success for the proposal that would shrink the city’s alternate side parking enforcement window from five months to four during the winter months.
“I think we’ve got the votes, hopefully, to get that moved forward to changing, at least, a couple weeks,” Richmond continued.
The council votes on the plan next month to start enforcing alternate-side parking Nov. 15, instead of Nov. 1.
Richmond wouldn’t mind pushing the date back even further.
“We should probably start, maybe, Dec. 1,” Richmond said.
The enforcement period would end on March 15.
The same proposal was barely defeated during a council vote last year.